A health car for life

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. The annual income per capita in 2012 is about $ 629 (nominal); 60% of the population is without electricity, 40% of the drinking water and 60% survive on less than $ 2 a day, most of the population can not afford to meet primary needs, school education and medical care . Only 3% of the population is over 65 and 43.7% of mortality is caused by diseases related to poverty and underdevelopment. The rate of mortality affects the spread of malaria and the HIV virus; part of the problem is due to the lack of knowledge of the most basic sanitary rules with a high percentage of deaths in health facilities due to the inadequacy of the methods of treatment and maintenance of medical equipment, with an increasing spread of infections. Poverty, lack of knowledge, child care and the scarcity of qualified health services and operators are therefore the biggest obstacles to Tanzania's attempt to reduce mortality. Furthermore, low levels of literacy and school and university education aggravate the problem of the lack of qualified professionals in key sectors such as technology and teaching. The Iringa District, in the central part of Tanzania, is a region where connection and transport services are very lacking; in the district, in addition to the capital Iringa, there are numerous small villages where agriculture and subsistence farming are practiced with some attempts to commercialize the products of the vegetable garden and the henhouse, also the proximity to the Ruaha National Park represents a possibility of tourism development in the area.


The project is promoted by Smile Africa Onlus in partnership with the "Briganti del deserto"

As a result of both state and private interventions in the field of international solidarity, some small hospitals / dispensaries have arisen on the territory, but often they are too distant and the population has not the minimum economic capacity to reach such structures especially in situations of emergency; this aggravates the precarious living conditions of the people and compromises the possibility of access to health services especially for the weakest and most vulnerable groups: pregnant women, newborns, children and the elderly. The Project intends to raise funds to make available to the local population an appropriate vehicle to travel on a disadvantaged and often impervious road fund during the rainy season, equipped for socio-sanitary purposes that can support the health structure for:
• the most widespread presence on the territory of social and health workers;
• treatment / prevention of diseases in particular malaria and HIV / AIDS;
• interventions for the protection and promotion of maternal, neonatal and infant health;
• relief interventions for serious health emergencies of any kind;
• interventions in case of emergencies due to environmental disasters.
The vehicle will be a unit equipped with a soon partner-sanitary intervention both for emergenciaza salud actions, but also to guarantee the presence and assistance of experienced operators in the moments of emergenciaza linked to meteorological phenomena; will also carry the transport of patients who could not otherwise enter the hospital and will allow an aid to childbirth for women. The soon socio-sanitary intervention car will be donated to a local sanitary strut with the constraint that, in the houses where other benefactors or the government, endow the structure with a similar medium, the same if it commits to donate the vehicle to another territorial reality in need, in agreement with Smile Africa Onlus and the Briganti del Deserto group.
Expected expenditure: € 30,000 for:
• vehicle purchase;
• reconditioning for the performance of social and health activities;
• transport on site.


To support the "A health car for life" project you can make a donation by bank transfer:

IBAN: IT05 D033 5901 6001 0000 0061 790
Banca Prossima S.p.A. (Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Group)
Registered Office: Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 - 20121 Milan


or by means of a postal order or bank transfer - c / c Postale n. 000084763325
IBAN: IT52W0760112200000084763325


Specifying as causal either the name of the Project or the words "project support"


or through the green button at the bottom of the page "Donate with Paypal or credit card"